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News Article
Fair Pay and Just Conditions of Work in the Community Non-Profit Sector. Learning Circles.

Join Our Learning Circles!

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Let's Talk About Fair Pay and Just Conditions of Work in the Community Sector!

As part of the Coalition's new project entitled "Fair Pay and Just Conditions of Work in the Community Non-Profit Sector", we are inviting women and gender-diverse individuals working within the community non-profit sector to participate in a 2-hour Learning Circle. These Circles aim to better understand and address the root causes of low wages in the sector.

We are looking for:

  • Women and gender-diverse individuals – including Indigenous, racialized, and immigrant women, as well as women with disabilities,
  • working in any role within non-profit organizations that provide social services or engage in advocacy efforts.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Share their day-to-day experiences with other women and gender-diverse people in a safe space.
  • Learn from their coworker’s perspectives.
  • Discuss potential solutions for improving working conditions and wages in the sector.


  • March 21st: Moncton [EN] - The Atrium. [Accessibility features: wheelchair accessible, non-gendered bathrooms]
  • March 24th: Saint John [EN] - Social Enterprise Hub. [Accessibility features: wheelchair accessible, non-gendered bathrooms]
  • March 25th: Fredericton [EN] - Odell Lodge. [Accessibility features: wheelchair accessible]
  • March 28th: Moncton [FR] - The Atrium. [Accessibility features: wheelchair accessible, non-gendered bathrooms]
  • March 31st: Caraquet [FR] Centre du bénévolat de la Péninsule Acadienne. [Accessibility features: wheelchair accessible, non-gendered bathrooms]

     10AM - 12PM: Front-line Workers ; 1PM - 3PM: Executive Directors

Free lunch will be provided to all from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.

We kindly ask employers to facilitate employees’ participation during working hours. If this isn’t possible, we can offer honorariums to employees. Transportation fees will be reimbursed if needed. If additional support is required to ensure successful participation, please let us know in advance.

Interested participants can register here until March 14th.

We appreciate your support in sharing this invitation with your colleagues and organizations in your network. For more information, contact us at: We look forward to hearing from you!