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The Coalition

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

– Margaret Mead

The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity is a group of individuals and organizations that pursues and ensures the realization of the right to pay equity and to just conditions of work for women. To that end, the Coalition engages in communication, education, research, advocacy for the adoption and the implementation of adequate legislation, as well as public policy dialogue and development.

Our strategic goals for 2024-2025 

  1. Pay equity in the private sector
    • ​​​​​​​Pay equity in community care services
    • Pay equity in local governments
    • Pay equity legislation for the private sector
  2. Maintain pay equity in the public sector
  3. Indigenous partnerships for pay equity
  4. Policies for improving economic fairness for women
  5. Pay transparency
  6. Pay equity for early childhood educators
  7. Inform and mobilize the public
  8. Ensure the Coalition's financial sustainability 

Follow us on social media through the handle @equiteNBequity!