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November 1, 2018
at 12:00 AM ADT

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Legislation | private sector

The Coalition applauds promise to extend pay equity legislation to the private sector


Moncton – The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity is pleased with the government's commitment to work with the Coalition for Pay Equity, labour, business, and relevant stakeholders to extend pay equity legislation to the private sector” in today’s Throne speech.


Basically a green paper is strictly a discussion paper, or an information paper. The desire is to allow for MLAs to have a general understanding of the issue and what things they might need to consider as they do their work on pay-equity legislation.

Motion 4 will be voted on on Tuesday if we gain confidence of the house along with all other motions we have put forward. If we do not win confidence of the house tomorrow, it is likely that the motion will never be brought forward for a vote by a Conservative government.

« que tout document de travail sur l’équité salariale dans le secteur privé, déposé par un ministre de la Couronne à la Chambre ou au bureau du greffier, soit d’office renvoyé au Comité permanent de modification des lois et que le comité soit tenu de rédiger un rapport comportant des recommandations sur des mesures législatives visant l’équité salariale dans le secteur privé » ;

The right to pay equity is not a partisan issue; the responsibility to ensure the right to pay equity belongs to everyone.

We encourage the Progressive-Conservative Party to bring Motion 4 forward for a vote.

THAT any discussion paper on private sector pay equity tabled in the House or filed with the Office of the Clerk by a Minister of the Crown stand referred to the Standing Committee on Law Amendments, and that the committee be directed to prepare a report recommending the form of legislation for private sector pay equity;

A Legislative Approach to Pay Equity in New Brunswick, discussion paper prepared by the Women’s Equality Branch, Executive Council Office, Government of New Brunswick, November 2018:

que tout document de travail sur l’équité salariale dans le secteur privé, déposé par un ministre de la Couronne à la Chambre ou au bureau du greffier, soit d’office renvoyé au Comité permanent de modification des lois et que le comité soit tenu de rédiger un rapport comportant des recommandations sur des mesures législatives visant l’équité salariale dans le secteur privé ;


After several years of advocating for such legislation, the Coalition looks forward to working with the government and stakeholders to advance pay equity and improve the economic situation of New Brunswick women.

"We hope that the four political parties in the Legislative Assembly will join forces. Pay equity is an issue on which all parties can and must work together for the benefit of employees working in female-dominated jobs," says Frances LeBlanc, the Chair of the Coalition.

During the election campaign, the Liberal Party, the Green Party and the New Democratic Party all promised pay equity legislation for the private sector in their respective platforms. While the platforms of the Progressive Conservative Party and the People's Alliance made no mention of pay equity, the Coalition believes that the door remains open.

"Every party leader said they wanted to listen to and learn from women during the forum on women’s equality issues hosted by the New Brunswick Women's Council on September 17," recalls Frances LeBlanc. "We are confident that they will take the support of the people of New Brunswick for pay equity into consideration."

In fact, according to a recent survey, 85 per cent of New Brunswick residents believe it’s important for the government to pass pay equity legislation for the private sector in the province.

"New Brunswick is ready for pay equity. We must act. Remember that the responsibility to ensure the right to pay equity belongs to everyone," concludes LeBlanc.

Pay equity is equal pay for work of equal value.