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News Article


November 29, 2018
at 12:00 AM AST


Bill | political support

A bill that deserves the support of all political parties

Moncton – The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity urges MLAs from all parties to support the bill to extend pay equity to private sector employers with 10 or more employees, tabled yesterday by the member for Moncton East, Monique LeBlanc.
"New Brunswickers working in the private sector have been waiting for this law for a long time. They want pay equity to take precedence over partisan considerations. The bill provides a perfect opportunity for party collaboration to advance gender equality, "said Frances LeBlanc, the Chair of the New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity.

About 65% of New Brunswickers in the labor market work in the private sector. Many of them work in predominantly female jobs.

"These women contriute to the economy and their community, but most importantly, pay equityequal pay for work of equal valueis a human right. Let's move forward now! Ms. LeBlanc concludes.

The Coalition is preparing to meet with several MLAs to reiterate the importance of pay equity legislation for the private sector.