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News Article


November 20, 2018
at 12:00 AM AST


Discours | gouvernement

Lack of pay equity in Throne speech

Moncton – The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity underlines the government's commitment to review the wages and working conditions of home care workers in the Speech from the Throne today. However, it is disappointed by the lack of legislative measures to ensure pay equity for the private sector.

Coalition Chair Frances LeBlanc notes that during the election campaign, the Progressive Conservative Party promised to pay homecare workers a fair wage.

"We hope that their remarks will translate into financial investments in the next budget and that these investments will extend to the entire caregiving and child care sectors. Low wages are a major problem in this sector as a whole. All political parties should agree on the urgency for action,” said Frances LeBlanc.

The Coalition continues to urge the government to adopt pay equity legislation for the private sector.

"If the government wants jobs to make people feel valued in their communities and in their homes, we must start paying predominantly female jobs at their fair value," says the Chair.