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News Article
Krysta Cowling

Message from the Chair

Dear Members, Sisters, and Friends of the Coalition,

Female dominated jobs are essential to New Brunswick, however, workers in these jobs are systematically underpaid, undervalued, and overworked. The pay gap is significantly higher for women who are immigrants, indigenous, racialized, living with disabilities, and from the LGBTQ+ community.

Your support has led the Coalition to tackle large projects in addressing wage gaps and fair working conditions using a gender based analysis. We have been working diligently on decent work in the private sector, which has included research, workshops, and publications highlighting the benefits of pay transparency and just working conditions.

Your contributions to the Coalition have helped enormously in reaching new milestones including 180 million $ invested into wages for workers in the care sector in 2018.

Our priority continues to be pay equity legislation for the private sector. This legislation would finally protect the human right that is equal pay for work of equal value.

We are ready to have our voices heard at the polls this election year by sending a clear message that candidates must take a strong position on extending pay equity legislation to the private sector to run a successful campaign. Will you help us?

Your support as an active member can help make sure that 2024 is the last year that New Brunswickers are without pay equity protections.

I would like to end by sharing my greatest thank you to our members, elected board members, and staff for your support the last few years. This is my last year as Chair for the Coalition and it has been an incredible experience working alongside you to improve legislation and working conditions in New Brunswick.

Yours in solidarity,

Krysta Cowling