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The Chair of the Coalition, Frances LeBlanc and Executive Director, Johanne Perron.

A wind of change at the Coalition: 2020 SGM and AGM

Moncton — On the eve of its 20th anniversary, the New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity took a new turn during its 13th Annual General Meeting and a Special General Meeting on June 13, 2020.

During both virtual events, it amended its letters patent and by-laws, launched its new website, elected a new Board of Directors and highlighted its achievements for 2019-2020. The amendments to the By-Laws are intended to broaden and better reflect the Coalition’s area of activity and current objectives.

"As we do every year, the AGM allowed us to inform our members of the latest progress towards pay equity in New Brunswick and in Canada," says Frances LeBlanc, the Coalition's Chair.

In 2020-2021, the Coalition will unveil the results of pay equity exercises now being conducted with representatives of the community care-giving sector. It will leverage these results to call for the public investments needed to achieve pay equity. The Coalition will also continue to promote the right to pay equity, the adoption of provincial legislation for the private sector, and the implementation of the new federal Pay Equity Act.

"The pandemic has highlighted the under-valuation of the jobs on which our society relies, as well as their precarious nature—jobs that are often predominantly female. Respecting the right to pay equity would ensure that this work is recognized and paid at its fair value," explains Frances LeBlanc.

The Coalition welcomes two new members to its Board of Directors: Sharon Crabb as Anglophone Vice-President, and Yannick Bujold as North Representative.

Members of the Board of Directors 2020-2021:

  • Frances LeBlanc, Chair
  • Isabelle McKee-Allain, Francophone Vice-Chair
  • Sharon Crabb, Anglophone Vice-Chair
  • Monique Lévesque, Treasury-Secretary
  • Wenona LaBillois, First Nations Representative
  • Yannick Bujold, North Representative
  • Kafiy Nzeya-Weva, Southeast Representative
  • Lise Hitchcock, Upper River Valley Representative
  • Susie Proulx-Daigle, Kent-Miramichi Representative
  • Andrea Hatt, South Representative
  • Kerri Froc, Capital Representative

The Coalition's new website was designed in collaboration with Blaze Studios. The Coalition invites everyone to check it out:

The Coalition's new mission statement reads as follows: 

The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity is a group of individuals and organizations that pursues and ensures the realization of the right to pay equity and to just conditions of work for women. To that end, the Coalition engages in communication, education, research, advocacy for the adoption and the implementation of adequate legislation, as well as public policy dialogue and development.

"Our first virtual AGM was a success thanks to the commitment of our members and the hard work of our volunteers and team," concludes Frances LeBlanc.

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There is a media contact available on this news item:

Rachel Richard
Public Affairs and Communications