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Outgoing Chair

Krysta Cowling

Krysta Cowling has worked over 15 years in the nonprofit sector in organizations across Canada. She works on the ground in communities to address fundamental needs. She is known through her past work as the Executive Director of the La Bikery Co-operative, where she developed the program Recycle-A-Bike that diverts bicycles from landfills and puts them back into the hands of people in the community who need them. Krysta has won awards for her work, including the Parks Canada NB Sustainable Tourism award and a 2018 Woman of Distinction award through the YWCA for her work in helping to address the needs of women in the community. Krysta currently runs her own firm, Adaptly Nonprofit Solutions, which provides operational support to nonprofit organizations in a variety of sectors across Canada. She helps organizations stay organized and on task while achieving their community vision. Krysta believes that diversity in leadership positions is a strength that helps our whole community. She is dedicated to removing barriers and amplifying the voices of women to create a more equitable and inclusive New Brunswick.